February 16-22

Why Massage is Good For Your Heart

Cardiovascular disease is the leading killer of men and women in the United States, according to the American Heart Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. So since February is American Heart month, let’s explore the ways in which massage can protect and improve your cardiovascular health.

A number of long-term studies have shown that a consistent massage program can decrease diastolic and systolic blood pressure. And maintaining a healthy blood pressure can contribute to lowering the odds of one having a heart attack. By massaging and relaxing the muscles of the body we reduce stress, stimulate nerve endings, release endorphins and decrease the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline.

Massage therapy releases contracted muscles and pushes venous blood towards the heart, easing the strain on the heart. In this way, massage offers a drug-free, non-invasive and humanistic approach for allowing the body to naturally heal itself.

Getting a massage on a regular basis from a skilled practitioner, like myself, is the key to receiving cardiovascular benefits from massage. Keep in mind that the effects massage are cumulative. If the goal of massage is health maintenance, a massage every week or two can help one feel better and reduce tension and stress levels.

Fun Holidays this Week:

February 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day – Here are some terrific ideas for random acts of kindness. https://www.randomactsofkindness.org/kindness-ideas

February 20: Love Your Pet Day – Today is great day to give your pet lots of love and attention. If you don’t have a pet, maybe today is the day to adopt a pet. Take a trip to your local shelter, and bring home an animal that needs you. It will make you both feel good.

February 22: Be Humble Day – Humbleness is a good thing, a virtue. Practice humbleness today. Important exception: While you can’t brag about yourself, it is very appropriate to brag about your kids today, or any day.

February 22: National Margarita Day – Here are 49 margarita recipes for you to enjoy. https://mixthatdrink.com/49-margarita-recipes/

Hydration Recipe

Keeping hydrated is an important part of staying healthy. Water promotes cardiovascular health, keeps your body cool, helps muscles and joints work better and keeps skin supple. Here is this week’s hydration recipe:

Apple Water


8 slices Granny Smith apple

5 slices fresh ginger

2 1-inch pieces lemongrass



Combine water, Granny Smith apple, ginger, and lemongrass in a 32-fluid ounce Mason jar or pitcher. Stir gently, cover, and refrigerate until flavors combine, at least 1 hour.

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